- Cann Society News
Tokyo, Japan – June 16, 2023 – Manufacturers Association of Japan Industrial Cannabis (MAJIC) and Thai Industrial Hemp Trade Association (TIHTA) have signed a historic Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to foster collaboration and promote the growth of an ethical cannabis industry in Japan, Thailand, and the rest of Asia.
Both MAJIC and TIHTA, along with their respective members, share a common commitment to the ethical development of the cannabis industry. Recognizing the potential for cooperation and the promotion of their shared mission, the two organizations have come together to advance the industry’s interests and contribute to its sustainable growth.
Japan has emerged as a frontrunner in Asia for cultural hemp products, as well as the legal advancement of CBD and non-THC related food and cosmetics. Thailand, on the other hand, has unlocked regulations to allow cultivation, production, importation, ownership, and distribution of hemp seeds, making it a potential economic crop with diverse applications and significant economic value. The growing global market demand for hemp has also amplified interest in the plant.
Both organizations acknowledge that other countries in Asia are increasingly recognizing the health and economic benefits of cannabis. To ensure an ethical approach, including self-regulation and practical discussions with industry and government stakeholders, cooperation between MAJIC and TIHTA is of utmost importance.
There is a growing consumer interest in Japan and Thailand for the safe and effective usage of hemp products. MAJIC and TIHTA aim to address this demand by exchanging accurate information and promoting the benefits and safe usage of hemp products. They also intend to collaborate on advocating for improved laws regarding hemp product development, production, and marketing, in alignment with the needs of the hemp-related businesses.
Additionally, the organizations will work together to establish industry standards that guarantee the quality and safety of hemp products. Through knowledge exchange programs, members of TIHTA and MAJIC will benefit from sharing expertise and insights.
Both MAJIC and TIHTA look forward to a fruitful partnership that will contribute to the responsible growth of the cannabis industry, benefiting consumers and fostering economic development across in Japan, Thailand and across Asia.
About MAJIC:
The Manufacturers Association of Japan Industrial Cannabis (MAJIC) is a leading organization dedicated to the ethical growth and advancement of the cannabis industry in Japan. With a focus on promoting innovation, quality, and safety, MAJIC represents a diverse range of stakeholders, including manufacturers, producers, and distributors.
About TIHTA:
Thai Industrial Hemp Trade Association (TIHTA) is at the forefront of the industrial hemp industry in Thailand. Committed to unlocking the full potential of hemp and driving economic growth, TIHTA supports businesses involved in cultivation, production, and distribution. The association aims to promote sustainable practices and establish industry standards.
TiHTA Contact :
[Address] SSP Tower, 11th Floor, 555/17 Sukhumvit 63 (Ekkamai), Klongton-nuea, Vadhana, Bangkok 10110, Thailand
[Phone No.] +66 2-711-4170-3 , +66 80-005-0161
[E-mail] tihta.info@gmail.com
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[ãĄãžãŦãĒããŽãđ] a.asama@majic.jp
[ãĶã§ããĩãĪã] majic.jp